May 14, 2020

EFR 320: Endurance and Scaling as a Health and Fitness Professional with Amber Brueseke

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As a trainer and coach, whether in person or online, we all go through different seasons in our business and economic statuses. Is it possible to create a thriving business in this industry while not losing your personal life? How and when should we consider scaling? Amber Brueseke quickly realized that her hours were not matching her income or even impact potential. She explains her journey from full time nursing to fitness and nutrition coach, in person and online, and everything in between that helped her scale and thrive.

Amber is a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and Registered Nurses, but first and foremost she is a mom of four. She is a goal-setting girl boss who can't imagine a world without chocolate and peanut butter (combined, preferably).

Connect with Amber @biceps.after.babies

Connect with Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

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Episode resources:

EFR 320: Endurance and Scaling as a Health and Fitness Professional with Amber Brueseke

As a trainer and coach, whether in person or online, we all go through different seasons in our business and economic statuses. Is it possible to create a thriving business in this industry while not losing your personal life? How and when should we consider scaling? Amber Brueseke quickly realized that her hours were not matching her income or even impact potential. She explains her journey from full time nursing to fitness and nutrition coach, in person and online, and everything in between that helped her scale and thrive.

Amber is a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and Registered Nurses, but first and foremost she is a mom of four. She is a goal-setting girl boss who can't imagine a world without chocolate and peanut butter (combined, preferably).

Connect with Amber @biceps.after.babies

Connect with Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

  • Save 10% on BPN Supplements with code "EVERFORWARD" to save $$$ on the FAT LOSS stack and all of your performance and recovery needs.

Episode resources: