Feb 27, 2020

EFR 288: Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power - The Four Life Themes with John Voris

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For decades John Voris has studied and read ancient and modern philosophers as well as a wide range of psychology and metaphysical writings both eastern and western. He wanted to know why some people succeeded and others failed at certain career paths even though they had the same education and background and intelligence.

He put together a program based on his own observations and supported by his studies, his own wisdom and the intelligence of hundreds of philosophers and psychologists throughout the centuries. This approach has led to new insights by connecting old ideas together then giving them a personal application.

By tapping into all this esoteric knowledge John Voris is able to identify several hidden aspects to your being. When you understand and leverage your authentic nature you can express yourself freely and open yourself to your true motivations and desire creating more energy and well-being in your life.

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

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Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching services at EF Coach, podcasting consulting and production services, EF Radio guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your podcast please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.

EFR 288: Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power - The Four Life Themes with John Voris

For decades John Voris has studied and read ancient and modern philosophers as well as a wide range of psychology and metaphysical writings both eastern and western. He wanted to know why some people succeeded and others failed at certain career paths even though they had the same education and background and intelligence.

He put together a program based on his own observations and supported by his studies, his own wisdom and the intelligence of hundreds of philosophers and psychologists throughout the centuries. This approach has led to new insights by connecting old ideas together then giving them a personal application.

By tapping into all this esoteric knowledge John Voris is able to identify several hidden aspects to your being. When you understand and leverage your authentic nature you can express yourself freely and open yourself to your true motivations and desire creating more energy and well-being in your life.

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching services at EF Coach, podcasting consulting and production services, EF Radio guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your podcast please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.