Feb 12, 2020
EFR 281: MASTER CLASS - Scientific Yet Simple Ways to Reduce Jet Lag and Improve Travel Health
EFR 281: MASTER CLASS - Scientific Yet Simple Ways to Reduce Jet Lag and Improve Travel Health
Welcome to your travel health master class! In this episode, I go over scientific evidence as to why we become jet lagged and how to overcome it ahead of, during, and after travel. Also, over the years of being a certified health coach and heavy traveler myself I have come up with many travel hacks and usage of key supplements to reduce my travel fatigue, maintain sleep health, and reduce illness.
Connect w/ me @chase_chewning
Episode resources:
Chaga and reishi from Four Sigmatic - https://www.foursigmatic.com/everforward for 15% off
Gradual compression socks from Comrad Socks - https://www.comradsocks.com checkout code "EVERFORWARD" for 20% off
Super greens and super reds from Bare Performance Nutrition - https://bit.ly/2H1XW7O for 10% off
ZEN from Cured Nutrition - https://bit.ly/2RmXcja for 15% off
Propolis throat spray from Beekeeper's Naturals - https://www.beekeepersnaturals.com checkout code "EVERFORWARD" for 15% off
WHOOP activity tracker band and app - https://www.whoop.com checkout code "CHASE" for 15% off
Episode 264 w/ Carly Stein - Uncovering Ancient Health Benefits from the World of Bees
Learn more about starting your own podcast in Chase's free "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" at OperationPodcast.com
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For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching services at EF Coach, podcasting consulting and production services, EF Radio guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your podcast please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.