Feb 5, 2020
EFR 278: Why Shortcuts Will Hinder Your Success & Effective Military Exit Strategies with Austen Alexander
EFR 278: Why Shortcuts Will Hinder Your Success & Effective Military Exit Strategies with Austen Alexander
Joining the military is perhaps one of the most personal and deeply committed decisions one can make in the United States, so when Austen Alexander enlisted in the Navy he knew exactly where his life was about to take him. Well, almost. Along the way he became a YouTuber but realized he was doing his content and his audience a disservice by trying to take the shortcuts. Once he ditched the "easy way" he surpassed tens of millions of views and has plans of transitioning out of the Navy this year and becoming a full-time content creator.
Connect w/ Austen @austen_alex
Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning
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