Jan 22, 2020

EFR 272: How to Make Exercise a Healthy Part of Your Relationship

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What happens when you are in a relationship and your ritual of going to the gym doesn't make sense to the other person? How can we effectively communicate to our significant other what is important to us and why? Compromise in relationships are a must, but should you have to sacrifice your own health and fitness just because it is not as important to the other person? All these questions and more we explore in the January 2020 relationship health episode.

Connect w/ May @mayyazdi

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

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For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.

EFR 272: How to Make Exercise a Healthy Part of Your Relationship

What happens when you are in a relationship and your ritual of going to the gym doesn't make sense to the other person? How can we effectively communicate to our significant other what is important to us and why? Compromise in relationships are a must, but should you have to sacrifice your own health and fitness just because it is not as important to the other person? All these questions and more we explore in the January 2020 relationship health episode.

Connect w/ May @mayyazdi

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Shop using the link/code below to save you money and to further support the show - THANK YOU! 

  • Save 15% on WHOOP and get the activity tracker band for FREE when you sign up with a new membership with code "CHASE" at www.whoop.com 

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.