Jan 9, 2020

EFR 267: How Listening to Your Body Can Help You Overcome a Health Crisis with Sam Davis

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As said many times on the show before, there is no greater coach than our own bodies - IF we take pause and actually listen to it. Sam Davis was forced to radically overhaul her life, her training and nutrition once she began to pay attention to the cries for help her body was giving her. Narrowing down to severe adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems and overall hormonal imbalance Sam put the barbell down in order to take back her health, a process that took her the better part of a year. Through the exquisite care of a medical provider that opened her eyes to the world of natural supplements and careful nutritional changes Sam has reclaimed her wellness and identity.

Connect w/ Sam @samdavis19

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.

EFR 267: How Listening to Your Body Can Help You Overcome a Health Crisis with Sam Davis

As said many times on the show before, there is no greater coach than our own bodies - IF we take pause and actually listen to it. Sam Davis was forced to radically overhaul her life, her training and nutrition once she began to pay attention to the cries for help her body was giving her. Narrowing down to severe adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems and overall hormonal imbalance Sam put the barbell down in order to take back her health, a process that took her the better part of a year. Through the exquisite care of a medical provider that opened her eyes to the world of natural supplements and careful nutritional changes Sam has reclaimed her wellness and identity.

Connect w/ Sam @samdavis19

Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!

Episode resources:

For any other questions about how to live a life EVER FORWARD through our coaching, podcasting consulting and production services, podcast guest requests or to have Chase as a guest on your show please email him directly at chase@everforwardradio.com.