Jan 2, 2020
EFR 264: Uncovering Ancient Health Benefits from the World of Bees with Carly Stein
EFR 264: Uncovering Ancient Health Benefits from the World of Bees with Carly Stein
Prepare to be blown away and astounded by the raw power and health benefits from one of nature's oldest sources - bees! Carly Stein is the founder and CEO of Beekeeper's Naturals, a company that came into existence almost out of accident as Carly sought answers to health issues that were plaguing her for too long. Through personal experience and dedication to becoming an expert (she is a certified Master Beekeeper!), Carly has been able to harness the incredible wellness benefits of honey, propolis, royal jelly and everything else bees have to offer us.
Connect w/ Beekeeper's Naturals @beekeepers_naturals
Connect w/ Carly @stein.carly
Connect w/ Chase @chase_chewning
Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Save some money and keep supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!
Save 15% on Beekeeper's Naturals propolis throat spray, superfood honey, royal jelly or any of their incredible wellness products w/ code "EVERFORWARD"
Episode resources:
Beneficial effects on propolis and human health and neurological diseases
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