Sep 12, 2019

EFR 223: How Changing Your Body Can Change Your Mind with Felicia Broccolo

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Becoming more active is one thing, but to take your fitness goals to more extremes with a physique competition is an entirely new level. But that is what Felicia Broccolo decided to do, and not only did she succeed on stage but left that experience with a completely transformed outlook on life.

Her philosophy of "abs are made in the mind" is an incredible mindset to have towards your fitness and nutrition goals no doubt, but proof that once we focus on improving our perspective on our problems become achievable in ways never thought possible.

Follow Felicia @absaremadeinthemind

Follow Chase @chae_chewning

Chase's YouTube channel


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EFR 223: How Changing Your Body Can Change Your Mind with Felicia Broccolo

Becoming more active is one thing, but to take your fitness goals to more extremes with a physique competition is an entirely new level. But that is what Felicia Broccolo decided to do, and not only did she succeed on stage but left that experience with a completely transformed outlook on life.

Her philosophy of "abs are made in the mind" is an incredible mindset to have towards your fitness and nutrition goals no doubt, but proof that once we focus on improving our perspective on our problems become achievable in ways never thought possible.

Follow Felicia @absaremadeinthemind

Follow Chase @chae_chewning

Chase's YouTube channel


Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!