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Back pain, particularly thoracic spine pain, is something countless humans endure on a daily basis. But more often than not it expresses itself in other ways; shoulder pain, neck pain, or various other forms of upper body discomfort. Dr. Justin Bryant, DC, an AIRROSTI provider and good friend of the show, is back to help us all better understand the function of, simple at-home ways to test it, and even simple exercises to treat thoracic spine pain.

Get your FREE "Thoracic Spine Companion" PDF, or email us directly at info@everforwardcoach.com 

Follow Dr. Bryant @dr.justin_bryant

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

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EFR 218: Back Pain - Function, Testing, and Exercises for the Thoracic Spine with Dr. Justin Bryant, DC

*Learn from Chase on how to start your very own podcast! Enroll in the FREE "Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Podcasting" now at www.operationpodcast.com and launch your show.*

Back pain, particularly thoracic spine pain, is something countless humans endure on a daily basis. But more often than not it expresses itself in other ways; shoulder pain, neck pain, or various other forms of upper body discomfort. Dr. Justin Bryant, DC, an AIRROSTI provider and good friend of the show, is back to help us all better understand the function of, simple at-home ways to test it, and even simple exercises to treat thoracic spine pain.

Get your FREE "Thoracic Spine Companion" PDF, or email us directly at info@everforwardcoach.com 

Follow Dr. Bryant @dr.justin_bryant

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!