Jul 17, 2019

EFR 204: Identity Loss and Using Life's Traumas to Tell Your Story

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This month's relationship health bonus episode is a solo one with host Chase Chewning. His insight here provides a look at life's traumas (emotional, spiritual, and physical) and how they often contribute to a loss of identity. But, through awareness and willingness to understand them and use them to our benefit, trauma can be one of the greatest contributions to your life's mission and story.

Follow Chase on IG @chase_chewning

on Twitter @chasechewning

Podcasts referenced:

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EFR 204: Identity Loss and Using Life's Traumas to Tell Your Story

This month's relationship health bonus episode is a solo one with host Chase Chewning. His insight here provides a look at life's traumas (emotional, spiritual, and physical) and how they often contribute to a loss of identity. But, through awareness and willingness to understand them and use them to our benefit, trauma can be one of the greatest contributions to your life's mission and story.

Follow Chase on IG @chase_chewning

on Twitter @chasechewning

Podcasts referenced:

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!