Jul 15, 2019

EFR 203: Overcoming Bullying and Taking Your Power Back with Sam Paparo

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Samantha Paparo is a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. She has been an online fitness coach for the past four years and has helped hundreds of women make total body transformations. A former NPC Bikini competitor who has competed 11 times and won 6 first place trophies.

Her story of being bullied and pushed out of school is heartbreaking, but it comes full circle as she was able to take that emotional trauma and build a life of her own design. Sam has gone on to empower over 1,000 other women do the same and she is not stopping any time soon!

Follow Sam @sampaparo

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at info@everforwardradio.com to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

Save 10% on Cured's "RISE" https://www.curednutrition.com

EFR 203: Overcoming Bullying and Taking Your Power Back with Sam Paparo

Save 10% on Cured's "RISE" https://www.curednutrition.com

Samantha Paparo is a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. She has been an online fitness coach for the past four years and has helped hundreds of women make total body transformations. A former NPC Bikini competitor who has competed 11 times and won 6 first place trophies.

Her story of being bullied and pushed out of school is heartbreaking, but it comes full circle as she was able to take that emotional trauma and build a life of her own design. Sam has gone on to empower over 1,000 other women do the same and she is not stopping any time soon!

Follow Sam @sampaparo

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at info@everforwardradio.com to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

Save 10% on Cured's "RISE" https://www.curednutrition.com