May 13, 2019
EFR 183: Everything You Need to Know About Hemp Oil and CBD with Joseph Sheehey
EFR 183: Everything You Need to Know About Hemp Oil and CBD with Joseph Sheehey
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CBD. Three letters that you are probably seeing all over social media and the internet these days. CBD is arguably pne of the most trending and curious movements in the health and wellness world right now.
But what is CBD? Are marijuana and CBD the same thing? What is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil? Will CBD make me fail a urinalysis? Does CBD get you high? Are these safe and effective natural remedies for anxiety? These questions and so many more are answered by guest Joseph Sheehey, CEO and co-founder of Cured Nutrition.
Listen to my interview on the Cured Collective podcast in episode 15.
Follow Joe @josephsheehey
Follow Cured Nutrition @curednutrition
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
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