The seed of addiction is rooted in all humans. Our reptilian brain constantly seeks safety and comfort while simultaneously avoiding pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, we are not able to always interject and take over our own behaviors, thoughts, or habits. Eating disorders, disordered eating, and every undesired eating habit in between is no different. Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. is not only a veteran psychologist and subject matter expert but a bing eater in recovery himself.

Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer overweight and/or food obsessed individuals, Dr. Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of bingeing and overeating via work with his own patients AND a self-funded research program with more than 40,000 participants.  Most important, however, was his own personal journey out of obesity and food prison to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food.

Follow Glenn @livingstonglenn

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

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If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

EFR 165: Binge Eating and Overcoming Negative Food Relationships with Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.

The seed of addiction is rooted in all humans. Our reptilian brain constantly seeks safety and comfort while simultaneously avoiding pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, we are not able to always interject and take over our own behaviors, thoughts, or habits. Eating disorders, disordered eating, and every undesired eating habit in between is no different. Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. is not only a veteran psychologist and subject matter expert but a bing eater in recovery himself.

Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer overweight and/or food obsessed individuals, Dr. Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of bingeing and overeating via work with his own patients AND a self-funded research program with more than 40,000 participants.  Most important, however, was his own personal journey out of obesity and food prison to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food.

Follow Glenn @livingstonglenn

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!