Feb 14, 2019

EFR 155: Maximizing Your Energy Potential for Better Self-Love with Art Giser

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Happy Valentine's Day my friends! Today especially we have one word top of mind - love. But in this episode we challenge you to think of how you love yourself, more importantly how to bring your awareness to the energy you give and receive that directly feeds it.

Energetic neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) pioneer Art Giser helps us improve our "energy hygiene" just in time to help us focus on loving others and loving ourself.

Participate in Art's free gift to all EF Radio listeners, click here!

  • Three must-know energy techniques 

  • Complimentary NLP session w/ Art

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!  

  • Save up to 65% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to promote relaxation, live well, & enhance cognitive function during this special sale through February 17, 2019 - https://www.foursigmatic.com/everforward

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at info@everforwardradio.com or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!

EFR 155: Maximizing Your Energy Potential for Better Self-Love with Art Giser

Happy Valentine's Day my friends! Today especially we have one word top of mind - love. But in this episode we challenge you to think of how you love yourself, more importantly how to bring your awareness to the energy you give and receive that directly feeds it.

Energetic neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) pioneer Art Giser helps us improve our "energy hygiene" just in time to help us focus on loving others and loving ourself.

Participate in Art's free gift to all EF Radio listeners, click here!

  • Three must-know energy techniques 

  • Complimentary NLP session w/ Art

Follow Chase @chase_chewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU!  

  • Save up to 65% on Four Sigmatic coffees, cacaos, superfoods, and elixirs to promote relaxation, live well, & enhance cognitive function during this special sale through February 17, 2019 - https://www.foursigmatic.com/everforward

If you have found value in the content here, we would love to connect to with you, please email us at info@everforwardradio.com or connect with us directly on Instagram @everforwardradio to discuss how Chase and his team can possibly help you live a life EVER FORWARD!