EFR 015: Addiction, Doughnuts and Deadlifts with Krissy Mae Cagney
Drug addict. Alcoholic. Powerlifter. Entrepreneur. And doughnut connoisseur! Krissy Mae Cagney has overcome nearly a decade of alcohol and substance abuse by diving head first into her own form of recovery that involves more barbells than a twelve step program. She has accomplished so much in such a short period of time all the while battling her own addiction demons. Living clean, sober and strong is her forte these days with her husband and dogs either in the gym or the great outdoors.
"I do not know wha the future will hold, but I am passionate about all my endeavors" is a quote from Krissy's bio on her website, Krissy Mae Cagney. This is such a powerful connection to the ever forward life, in that while we may not know what certainties we have in life we do know the power in our application of our passion.
Please follow Krissy on all social media platforms @krissymaecagney or if you find yourself in Reno, NV be sure to stop by her Black Iron Gym and join the "misfits"!