Dec 10, 2018

EFR 134: Absolving the Scarcity Mindset to Fully Evolve with Emily Hayden

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What does it mean to evolve as a human being? How do we get out of our comfort zone and truly move the needle in areas such as our health, fitness, personal relationships, or even business? Emily Hayden, an IFBB Bikini Pro and fitness social media influencer, believes it starts with a shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance.

In this episode, Emily and I discuss briefly her painful upbringing in a house with a mentally ill mother. She suffered emotional and even physical abuse, a life that ultimately led her down a path of sleeping in her car and struggling to find her purpose. By accepting her path and choosing to evolve it, Emily has been able to empower countless others through her content and "Evolve with Emily" coaching services.

You can connect with her on Instagram @emilyhayden or on her YouTube channel by clicking here.

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EFR 134: Absolving the Scarcity Mindset to Fully Evolve with Emily Hayden

What does it mean to evolve as a human being? How do we get out of our comfort zone and truly move the needle in areas such as our health, fitness, personal relationships, or even business? Emily Hayden, an IFBB Bikini Pro and fitness social media influencer, believes it starts with a shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance.

In this episode, Emily and I discuss briefly her painful upbringing in a house with a mentally ill mother. She suffered emotional and even physical abuse, a life that ultimately led her down a path of sleeping in her car and struggling to find her purpose. By accepting her path and choosing to evolve it, Emily has been able to empower countless others through her content and "Evolve with Emily" coaching services.

You can connect with her on Instagram @emilyhayden or on her YouTube channel by clicking here.

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

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