EFR 125: What the Military Really Teaches You with Tina Dominguez
Born and raised in Carlsbad, New Mexico, Tina Dominguez joined the United States Marine Corps shortly after high school in 1999. In 2015, after retiring from the Corps, she relocated to Alaska to further her education and scratch her entrepreneurial itch. The lessons learned and experiences in everything from logistics, leadership, and physical fitness she carried with her from the military.
Her philosophy is simple: Everybody matters, and so does every body. She is a proponent of multi-level health, wellness, and fitness. She believes that as a health/wellness/fitness coach, she should strive to help people realize their full potential by achieving a higher level of well-being, performance, and physical fitness. Tina believes it's important to form a growth-promoting relationship that inspires self-motivation, elicits the idea of change, and facilitates these processes through goal setting, accountability, and visioning. Her overall goal is to be known for promoting a positive and lasting change in people's lives.
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