EFR 122: From Aerospace to CBD - Higher Health with Joseph Sheehey
Sitting in his cubicle at a major government contracting company, literally sending items into outer space, Joseph Sheehey had landed his "dream job". Yet, his anxiety was still through the roof and sense of fulfillment about his life was hitting all-time lows. His experience with one plant in particular led him into his true calling. Fast forward just a few short years, he founded Cured Nutrition and is helping thousands of people reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress, help with chronic pain, and so many other incredible health benefits.
Cured prides theirselves on educating the world on not only using hemp and cannabis for it’s benefits, but also what should be considered when first beginning use and finding the correct company to purchase from. There are a lot of companies providing mislabeled and potentially toxic products and consumers need to understand this. The Colorado cannabis industry provides stringent testing and overall regulation and we at Cured take this knowledge and use it in their hemp practice which very few other companies practice.
Connect with Joseph on IG @josephsheehey
Connect with Cured Nutrition on IG @curednutrition
Make sure to take advantage of Joseph's special offer to EF Radio listeners only - 10% off Cured Nutrition products w/ code "EVERFORWARD"!
The books I refer to in this interview:
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