Oct 18, 2018

EFR 118: Your Food Story with Elise Museles

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An attorney turned certified eating psychology & nutrition expert, Elise Museles is here to help you truly understand your relationship with food. Your food story. Through Kale & Chocolate, Elise's business and publication, she has helped thousands change their food stories… but before she could support others, she needed to rewrite her own food story.

And speaking of chocolate, don't miss out on Flavanaturals! They are offering a huge discount to the Ever Forward Radio audience with 20% off their incredible lineup of chocolatey, antioxidant powerhouse powders and bars. I use their unflavored chocolate powder in my protein shakes all the time and it is amaze balls.

  • Go to https://www.FlavaNaturals.com today to learn more and enter discount code EVERFORWARD for 20% off your next order - Chocolate was your weakness. With FlavaNaturals, it’s your strength! *expires 12/31/2018

For even more content, visit https://www.ChaseChewning.com

EFR 118: Your Food Story with Elise Museles

An attorney turned certified eating psychology & nutrition expert, Elise Museles is here to help you truly understand your relationship with food. Your food story. Through Kale & Chocolate, Elise's business and publication, she has helped thousands change their food stories… but before she could support others, she needed to rewrite her own food story.

And speaking of chocolate, don't miss out on Flavanaturals! They are offering a huge discount to the Ever Forward Radio audience with 20% off their incredible lineup of chocolatey, antioxidant powerhouse powders and bars. I use their unflavored chocolate powder in my protein shakes all the time and it is amaze balls.

  • Go to https://www.FlavaNaturals.com today to learn more and enter discount code EVERFORWARD for 20% off your next order - Chocolate was your weakness. With FlavaNaturals, it’s your strength! *expires 12/31/2018

For even more content, visit https://www.ChaseChewning.com