Oct 11, 2018

EFR 115: Creating the Best Experience Possible with Kelly Gorsuch

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It's all about the experience. That is what Kelly Gorsuch (@kellygorsuch) set out to create when he opened the doors of his salons and barbershops. The best experience from start to finish - this not only drives customer retention but also builds an employee culture that is unparalleled. Learn how Kelly built his empire as an entrepreneur through multiple successful businesses (and failed ones) while helping keep everyone around him looking their best! And if you are in Washington, DC or Richmond, VA make sure to visit Immortal Beloved or Barber of Hell's Bottom!

And - BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - the Barber of Hell's Bottom in DC was chosen as the location for a new episode of Lebron James' HBO show The Shop! This episode airs on October 12th, 2018 and features hip-hop megastar Drake.

A condensed version of this interview, and a preview of The Shop, can be found on host Chase Chewning's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/chasechewning

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EFR 115: Creating the Best Experience Possible with Kelly Gorsuch

It's all about the experience. That is what Kelly Gorsuch (@kellygorsuch) set out to create when he opened the doors of his salons and barbershops. The best experience from start to finish - this not only drives customer retention but also builds an employee culture that is unparalleled. Learn how Kelly built his empire as an entrepreneur through multiple successful businesses (and failed ones) while helping keep everyone around him looking their best! And if you are in Washington, DC or Richmond, VA make sure to visit Immortal Beloved or Barber of Hell's Bottom!

And - BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - the Barber of Hell's Bottom in DC was chosen as the location for a new episode of Lebron James' HBO show The Shop! This episode airs on October 12th, 2018 and features hip-hop megastar Drake.

A condensed version of this interview, and a preview of The Shop, can be found on host Chase Chewning's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/chasechewning

Ever Forward Radio is made possible by our proud partners! Using code "EVERFORWARD" with these amazing sponsors saves you money and keeps supporting the podcast, THANK YOU! 

EF Apparel - https://www.everforwardapparel.com 

EF Coach - https://www.everforwardcoach.com

EF Radio - https://www.everforwardradio.com