"We are sprinting to our own demise."

Darin Olien

Have you ever wondered about the impact our ever-increasing reliance on technology has on our health and environment? This episode sheds light on this crucial issue along with repeat guest Darin Olien. Together, we unravel the complexities of electromagnetic frequencies and their implications on our health, from cellular stress responses to the foreboding reality of lowered testosterone levels. Darin also highlights the urgent need to shift towards a sustainable home and poses challenging but realistic alternatives to our daily living that will not only keep us healthier but reduce our carbon footprint and create healthier communities.

Fatal conveniences are the toxic products we routinely use and the unhealthy things we do that our culture and corporations have made us believe are safe and necessary for living well and efficiently. These things—from deodorant, cosmetics, dental floss, and sunscreen to laundry detergent, air fresheners, carpets, and crayons to candles, tea bags, cell phones, and chewing gum—are ubiquitous in daily life . . . and they are wreaking havoc on our health and our planet. The environmental toxins found in these products create a cascade of problems, including chemical sensitivities, auto-immune issues, obesity, chronic health diseases, and more.

But it's not just about what we put in or on our bodies, we explore the profound impact our decisions can have on our personal growth and the world around us. Darin underscores the importance of connecting with others, caring for ourselves, and living purposefully. Dare to challenge fear, choose love instead, and transform your life one decision at a time.

Follow Darin @darinolien

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


In this episode, you will learn...

  • The dangers of technology on your health and environment, particularly the impact of electromagnetic radiation from wireless devices on our wellbeing.

  • The complexity of sustainable coffee production and the importance of preserving the beneficial properties of the coffee fruit.

  • The risks associated with greenwashing and the importance of making informed decisions about the products and information we consume.

  • The significance of meaningful connections and purposeful living, and the impact of mindful decision-making on your personal growth and the environment.

  • The power of choice and its role in shaping your everyday lives, with emphasis on how minor, informed decisions can lead to significant changes in our lives and the world around us.


Episode resources:

EFR 738: Fatal Conveniences in Your Home, On Your Body, and Inside Your Cells That Are Making You Sick (and What to Do About It) with Darin Olien

Have you ever wondered about the impact our ever-increasing reliance on technology has on our health and environment? This episode sheds light on this crucial issue along with repeat guest Darin Olien. Together, we unravel the complexities of electromagnetic frequencies and their implications on our health, from cellular stress responses to the foreboding reality of lowered testosterone levels. Darin also highlights the urgent need to shift towards a sustainable home and poses challenging but realistic alternatives to our daily living that will not only keep us healthier but reduce our carbon footprint and create healthier communities.

Fatal conveniences are the toxic products we routinely use and the unhealthy things we do that our culture and corporations have made us believe are safe and necessary for living well and efficiently. These things—from deodorant, cosmetics, dental floss, and sunscreen to laundry detergent, air fresheners, carpets, and crayons to candles, tea bags, cell phones, and chewing gum—are ubiquitous in daily life . . . and they are wreaking havoc on our health and our planet. The environmental toxins found in these products create a cascade of problems, including chemical sensitivities, auto-immune issues, obesity, chronic health diseases, and more.

But it's not just about what we put in or on our bodies, we explore the profound impact our decisions can have on our personal growth and the world around us. Darin underscores the importance of connecting with others, caring for ourselves, and living purposefully. Dare to challenge fear, choose love instead, and transform your life one decision at a time.

Follow Darin @darinolien

Follow Chase @chase_chewning


In this episode, you will learn...

  • The dangers of technology on your health and environment, particularly the impact of electromagnetic radiation from wireless devices on our wellbeing.

  • The complexity of sustainable coffee production and the importance of preserving the beneficial properties of the coffee fruit.

  • The risks associated with greenwashing and the importance of making informed decisions about the products and information we consume.

  • The significance of meaningful connections and purposeful living, and the impact of mindful decision-making on your personal growth and the environment.

  • The power of choice and its role in shaping your everyday lives, with emphasis on how minor, informed decisions can lead to significant changes in our lives and the world around us.


Episode resources:


0:00:00 - Speaker 1 The one big question I had out of the gate, just getting to know you more over the years, but especially after reading fatal conveniences, is there's a lot in there, we're gonna get into it. But I'm curious, after writing this book and now kind of sharing it with the world, in your opinion, what is the biggest lie we are being told right now as a public as to, hey, this is something we're doing for your benefit, but is actually having rippling, cascading Negative effects for this generation and future?

0:00:29 - Speaker 2 Yeah, you could literally open that book and almost every. Every one of them, that's, and so I'll answer it. But I also want to say that the cumulative body burden, the so much exposure added up over time, there's not one kind of you know Bullet here. It's it's multiple, it's, it's, it's, it's from everywhere and it's all the time. And you know, some of those things that even Dr Dr Swan talked about is like your body's able to Metabolize parabens and phthalates and stuff like that, but the problem is you're getting reinfected throughout the day, depending on what you're eating, what you're drinking.

0:01:11 - Speaker 1 It's like one step forward, two steps back.

0:01:13 - Speaker 2 Yeah, and so you're never out of it, right? I have to say that that because it's. I Would never say this is the biggest one out of anything, because they're all I mean PFOS is definitely way up there, because it's just forever.

0:01:33 - Speaker 1 What had you? Just like put the pen down, walk away like I cannot believe this shit that I discovered so many times.

0:01:40 - Speaker 2 I'm telling you, I mean I Think I think the EMF World and the telecommunication. There's a so much that I didn't put in the book.

0:01:49 - Speaker 1 I know we're good. I brought in some of it over here. Oh great, studios covered. Yeah, great, I see that Fantastic you get that phone off too by your nuts right Freaks me out. I see that I'm like we all need a Darren to make sure your nuts are covered.

0:02:04 - Speaker 2 You're radiating your nuts right now. That's not off, yeah, so shit.

0:02:08 - Speaker 1 No, it's on, do not disturb. So dare airplane my bad.

0:02:13 - Speaker 2 So good look, yeah, so your testosterone has went down in the last 20 minutes.

0:02:18 - Speaker 1 I'm sorry, I gotta go do some push-ups and build it back up. This is the podcast where we give you more tea, right?

0:02:27 - Speaker 2 exactly, yeah, exactly, trt in between sessions. So so that I would say that the, the, the cancer phone, right the phone, the, the, the, the kick the can down the road, the, the overwhelming evidence from Animal studies, even seeing what happens in children, and brain studies, and and so so there's a bunch of reasons why that all unpack in the EMF side of things and the phone thing and the Wi-Fi and the smart devices, and and God forbid, we ever have a smart city, those are reasons that would drive me absolutely unbelievably crazy.

I think that that would be the dumbest thing, as you're gonna say it's my city, I would say the actual sovereign cities, which are sovereign villages, which are micro grids, which are, you know, freedom loving Dwellings, right, let's, let's do that instead, and we have the ability to let people live their life right. But the, the, the history of the electrification of the of our world freaked my shit out, bro, like why? Because I mean I can't get into all of it.

0:03:56 - Speaker 1 But when learning how the sausage was made, kind of thing.

0:03:59 - Speaker 2 Yeah, well, when they first put up the first telegraph, going all the way back right they they started to see. So when you, when you have a wire, it has a frequency, and it was an electromagnetic field too, very important, distinguished things to understand around electricity and those things mess up, especially the electromagnetic field that mess ups.

It messes up migratory patterns, and it was there was a one Of like birds and birds, yeah there there was enough evidence that they believed it killed off a unique sparrow I think it was a red sparrow. Wow, and, and, and. Then they started to see the changes and the stress response in all mammals, and this was the telegraph, and so of course, then we, just we lit up the whole place.

0:04:55 - Speaker 1 That's a wired connection. We're not even in a wireless, we're not even into wireless right.

0:05:00 - Speaker 2 And then the, even the early in the mid 1900s, when they're setting up schools and they're and they were just throwing up schools, and then the, the connections between Towers again just electrification towers and and not well grounded or Covered wires was connected to children's leukemia right. So those elect, and there was a, there was a study done where where tenured teachers that were there and the 80% of them had different forms of cancer, 80% yeah and yeah.

0:05:42 - Speaker 1 So that's it to yeah these wires.

0:05:44 - Speaker 2 Yeah, and then these building biologists started to unpack and realize that, yeah, these things are not Grounded properly, they're not covered properly and this is just a electromagnetic field of there's such things a building biologist.

0:05:57 - Speaker 1 Oh yeah, that's fascinating, it is, and it is growing. Bro, a biologist looking at the, the inanimate objects, as Animal objects?

0:06:06 - Speaker 2 Yeah well, you can go in capacity you can go in with meters, sensitive meters, and, like you know, I had August Bryce over who. She owns a company called tech wellness, who I discovered in writing the book and she was an electro sensitive Human and there's a growing is about 17% of the population is growing in electro sensitivity in terms of being Disabled, right disabling.

0:06:33 - Speaker 1 Electro sensitive. We're not talking sensitivity, we're talking inducing disability.

0:06:37 - Speaker 2 and yeah, yeah, well, similar to my father in chemical sensitivities, right. And so August as a result of that and there's another story from a German, guy Hagen. There's these two people I met along the way, and August was over. We recorded a podcast. Her and her family came over to the house in the year and she brought her meters and she was like number one. This is amazing place to live.

0:07:06 - Speaker 1 Yeah, what are the numbers?

0:07:07 - Speaker 2 Yeah, I had my Wi-Fi on, but I also had. She has devices where you can plug back in and your connections are even better, and so you can get Wi-Fi routers that don't emit and you just plug back in. So that's what I'm doing at my new house Everything's plugged back in, because you're really only in the same area. It's not like you're walking around in your kitchen I'm not, you have your certain areas. So she came in with her meter and we flipped the Wi-Fi off, which I do every night, right, and it dropped to nothing. She goes. I don't remember ever seeing a place where there was nothing. It was like green and not making us peep.

0:07:51 - Speaker 1 Talk about setting the standard man props to you.

0:07:55 - Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. Well, it's part of just following my own bliss of like I need to be away from way too many people, I need to be out of cities and I need to be in the nature, and so I manifested the place and I'm rebuilding after the fire, but it's a clean slate. So I get to build and be a building biologist from the beginning and build a healthy home and build it in a way that can amplify pun intended a better way of living. And so, anyway, to answer your question, the history of EMFs and the telecommunications history of knowledge that these invisible waves and frequency devices were harmful, without a doubt.

I read, I found, I scoured, I found copies, pdf copies of faxes between the scientists that the telecommunication company used and he and August had talked to him. So August and I actually had this moment. I didn't know that and she had tracked that same dude down and I was like, oh my God, because basically he went in, saw the dangers. And what are those dangers? They're stress responses on a cellular level, so they're increasing free radical damage. They're opening up the blood-brain barrier, allowing for proteins that aren't supposed to be in the brain to be in the brain, specifically albumin. They're lowering testosterone, which is why I was kidding with you, because it's not a joke.

0:09:46 - Speaker 1 Shout out to Sean Eswan again that work Countdown blew my mind Exactly.

0:09:52 - Speaker 2 And then it's lowering testosterone. So it's as if it's a chemical exposure Right, this invisible world that they knew from the history of electrification that these things, if not done right, are harmful. And so then, when you move into this 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, now 5G, it's just switching into a millimeter wave which is increasing. Let's just summarize it in the say that you're adding to the 1, 2, 3, and 4G, You're adding pollution. So if this was smoke, smoke is number one the 1G and then 2G, 3G, 4G. It's still here. So it's more and more smoke it's more and more pollution.

0:10:37 - Speaker 1 It's not changing, it's actually compounding. It's now you're adding to it.

0:10:40 - Speaker 2 It's this and this and this and yes. And now with the 5G you're adding more towers, Like hundreds of compounding interest of towers every so because they can't travel as far, right? So so now you have more towers. You have different millimeter waves which they haven't studied or they have had indication. They haven't told us. That's too new right.

0:11:07 - Speaker 1 We don't have enough longitudinal elements to kind of yeah.

0:11:09 - Speaker 2 So now you have more of a stress response in your body and the children scares the shit out of me, right? So they're holding these devices every day, all day. We know that proximity and duration is the killer. So if you take away one thing from this EMF side of this conversation do not put your cell phone or a tablet or anything up to your head. Right, the and in the fine print of every cellular phone they tell you not to do it. Do you know that? Mm-hmm? Do they announce that? Absolutely not. No, because they don't give a shit, right? So that's why we're talking about it. Don't put it up to your damn head, so keep it away.

Put it on, you know, speaker, or there's there's plug back in, you know. Or you can use air tubes. That again it's electricity can travel through. What's an air tube? Air tube is, it's actually a portion of the, the ear, the, not. There are not earbuds, but they're plugged in. That's a portion where it's just air and so sound still travels through it, but the, the EMFs do not Interesting, so it blocks that from reaching your head.

0:12:24 - Speaker 1 So basically makes like an acoustic tunnel.

Yeah, and it still works great, wow, and I have you know I've sets all over the place and I gotta tell you right now my wife wanted me to say tell Darren, I've been doing this since we were at the panel with Jen Cohen kind of talking about some stuff, and she was telling Darren that I haven't brought my phone up to my head, I've been using speaker and I haven't used my AirPods since hearing all this stuff. Amazing, yeah, so she's like on it. Yeah, and I get it.

0:12:51 - Speaker 2 It's not my, you know. You know people can do whatever they want and I love it that people just take that own because they know on some level, like you know, there's a million people. It's yeah, this stuff is not. This is not, you know, bad for us. It's non-ionizing and we haven't looked, man, and it doesn't matter. Proximity and duration are showing these stress responses. Look at the data. It's in my end notes. It's all over it, all over it and it's 1% of the data that's out there and it's only growing. So we need more studies, we need to be on the side. Telecommunication company clearly have already decided that safety they don't care about, along with every other freaking product that we. That's the biggest delusion. The biggest delusion is that if we go out and buy things and use things that we assume they're safe.

0:13:45 - Speaker 1 That's our companies have done the due diligence and it's on them.

0:13:49 - Speaker 2 Well, the FDA wouldn't let that be on the shelf. Guess what? They don't have to prove it safe. They have. No, they have zero. They don't have to prove anything. They don't have to prove it safe. None of it.

And with the FCC's guidelines of safety is only based on this bullshit SAR. It's all, it's only a. It's a SAR reporting. It's only thermal proximity. It's not burning you, so it's fine. So they're not taking into the account the electromagnetic fields, are not taking into the account frequency. Well, what are we? We're electromagnetic beings. We're frequency generators. What the hell do you think we are? How do you, how do you? You know, listen to the heart with the EKG? Well, it's cause, we're electrical man. So it's all this stuff. It's like and people don't. If people don't want to, you know, if they say something and and they don't want to acknowledge it, they don't want to look, hey, then you just fall right into that class, the class of plausible deniability. Well, that's fine. Well, guess what? Your body still has to deal with it. Your mysterious metabolic issues. You're plummeting to testosterone. You're increasing endometriosis, core sleep, chronic fatigue.

0:15:08 - Speaker 1 Core sleep.

0:15:08 - Speaker 2 All that stuff and that, yeah, the sleep studies compared to EMFs is like crazy, right, people sleeping in a Faraday cage. You can put a little tent, keeps the bugs away, put a Faraday cage, sleep like a freaking baby, or turn your wifi. So if people walk away with this, what do you do? Don't put your cell phone on on your body. Don't put it in women. Don't put it in your sports bar ever Guys. Don't put it in your pocket when it's on. Put it at the least. Put it on airplane mode. Don't put it up to your head. Plug back in. Just minimize stress. That's all it is. Think of it in terms of that. It's stress. It's all over the research and it's easy to still. I still have a phone. Right, I still have a phone. I'm not saying go live in a tent.

0:15:54 - Speaker 1 You're not a crazy mountain man in the woods.

0:15:56 - Speaker 2 A little crazy, but, but I want to live. I too. Listen, I have a first class side of myself. I want nice things, I want a beautiful house, I too, but I'm not going to sacrifice my life over any of this shit. I'm sitting in clothes. This is how bad it is. Everything except my shoes were made by my good friend, jeff Garner, who we're working on. A fashion doc, a fast fashion documentary.

0:16:24 - Speaker 1 He's quite a bit of a work as well.

0:16:25 - Speaker 2 Yeah, so we're working on a documentary right now. He's mostly working on it and he, he made my clothes right, looking good. So they're all plant died, they're all like and I'm not saying, and this is a first class problem, but I can't buy regular clothes anymore. So I find upcycled stuff and, yeah, people give me clothes and I just let it outside. I don't go crazy, right. But if I'm buying clothes, I'm not buying toxic clothes.

0:17:00 - Speaker 1 Yeah, what is it about the clothes that we should be concerned about? Or at least is an area of interest enough for somebody to actually look at what they're putting on their body.

0:17:08 - Speaker 2 I would start with understanding that your your clothes, your underwear. That's your first start. It's polyurethane, it's nylon, it's a lastane. These are petroleum.

0:17:24 - Speaker 1 This was a part of the book that blew my mind. You were kind of describing conveniences, which is, of course of, like wrinkle free, stain resistant, water resistant, and I'm like shit. I'm looking up, looking in my closet, I'm like, yeah, performance, wear wrinkle free. It's great because I don't have to, you know, bring an iron when I travel and just pop out, but then I'm reading what I might actually be doing to my body for a convenience of a couple wrinkles.

0:17:49 - Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. And then you're, you're, you know the the, the death by yoga pants too, Right.

0:17:56 - Speaker 1 It's like okay, so then so so.

0:17:58 - Speaker 2 So think of it in terms of this it's a pla, it's plastic, it's petroleum, it's plasticizers, it's hundreds of other chemicals to get that to perform. Right Now you're putting on your skin, which is like can you imagine putting a plastic water bottle on your body Right Now? Go sweat in it. So, the heat increases pours open up transdermal activity and it's like we're just taking that in, just taking it more in.

We're just absorbing all of that. So what are those probable carcinogens? Endocrine disruptors. So now you have and, and and a little does a lot. Dr Leo Trissande a big shout out to him. He's a massive researcher in the endocrine disrupting circle and he really dives into a lot of this stuff. A sicker, fatter, poorer is his book. Oh, yeah, yeah, Um, and they really did show through research that a little bit.

And you're thinking about your master glands. You think about your thyroid, your thiamis, your testes, your ovaries, these things that are in regulation all the time. Micro changes hey, it's a little warmer in here. Body changes oh, there's a little stress. Body changes hey, it's a little cold in here. Body changes hey, my wife yelled at me, there's a little change. Oh, my dog bit me. There's a little change, which, thank God for right. It's incredible. Think about that. We wouldn't last a week, otherwise, no, we'd be dead. I mean, like the master commander of our body, the pituitary, the pineal, like all of these things regulating these things in the thyroid and, by the way, my dad's thyroid was toast and I can get into. You know why that was and all this stuff.

0:19:56 - Speaker 1 But I want to get into the living for others part as well, yeah.

0:19:59 - Speaker 2 Yeah, and it's a great tag, isn't it Living for?

0:20:03 - Speaker 1 others. Living for ourselves but also living for others. Yeah, there's a level to that, but yeah, you don't want to.

0:20:08 - Speaker 2 So what was I? Saying the master glands yeah so you've got all these, all these fluctuations happening all the time. So any little exposure, and what are those endocrine disruptors doing? They're mimicking estrogens right, and so the receptivity of a flooding of estrogen also lowers the ability to uptake to Sosterone for men. It gums up and binds up and mimics the bodies thinking that there's extra estrogen causes significant endogenous changes.

0:20:47 - Speaker 1 Totally yeah, yeah.

0:20:48 - Speaker 2 And ovarian problems, ovarian cysts, endometriosis that's a growing and infertility Men's infertility Right, like what?

0:20:58 - Speaker 1 50%? Now, I think, yeah, 50% of the generation is infertile, and it's guys.

0:21:03 - Speaker 2 Yeah, exactly we have. You know, the swimmers are not swimming. There's not many of them. The chances are going down.

0:21:12 - Speaker 1 Utilities down cats down.

0:21:15 - Speaker 2 Everything's down. Yeah, so any little exposure, especially added up over time all the time, that's where the danger is.

0:21:26 - Speaker 1 You're saying we should be more focused on how much over time, instead of just maybe a little here or a big thing there. You're saying it all matters, it all matters, but start.

0:21:37 - Speaker 2 You got to start small. Mitigating the big risks Mitigating this stuff where it's like yeah, I just blasted people with like I can't wear my clothes now.

0:21:47 - Speaker 1 I guess I'm going to a nudist colony, yeah, yeah.

0:21:49 - Speaker 2 Well, that's yeah, Freedom. Back to the freedom again, but that'd be nice. Maybe, maybe not. New show yeah Well, naked and free instead of naked and afraid.

0:22:06 - Speaker 1 Naked and afraid Naked and free. Darren does naked.

0:22:13 - Speaker 2 So so on that, yeah. Oh, my God, Set my brain down.

0:22:18 - Speaker 1 I want to kind of maybe piggyback off that, because another section you talked about in the book that I think goes well with clothing is what we clean our clothes with and all the household cleaners you know dishes, cleaning up the counters, air fresheners, dish washing, laundry detergent. I was so kind of like vindicated in reading this because I've been saying for years that clean doesn't have a smell and I think that is one of the biggest lies. We've been told that in order for our clothes to be fresh, it has to smell like lavender or fields or whatever. Our counters has to smell like pine trees. Can you unpack that for us a little bit? That's a huge lie as well. Clean is just neutral.

0:22:58 - Speaker 2 Yeah it's not the chemical smell. Yeah, exactly, and that's the perfect segue into, that's the vision that was told to us through marketing of big corporations. Clean, looks like clean, smells like Exactly. And then it comes by generation. So that's I smell that shirt, that's what my mom used to smell, and so that's what my dad used to smell like. That's not what your dad smelled like.

It was the laundry detergent that he was using. So it's all these very deep. These guys play the long game too, right, it's a very long game. So, anyway, I'm going to go back because I remember now, so, and then I'm going to jump to what you were saying. Okay, the, the, the overwhelm I get.

People are already overwhelmed listening to this right now, and I understand that. So I just blasted their clothes, just like you. You going in there, going shit, this is wrinkle free, this is stain free, this is what. So is your couch, so is your mattress. So let me overwhelm you a little more, right? So the point? Here's the point. The point is you can't be perfect all in one shot. The journey of life is to become more conscious of our unconscious, be more aware, maybe, be more loving, be less angry, be better, strive every day as what would this day be like being the best day ever? Who can I be? How can I? So the point is take one thing at a time and if it resonates with you going, yeah, start with your in terms of clothes, start with your underwear. Get organic, clean bamboo. You know other things. You got to be a little careful because they can use a lot of you know chemicals to in order to get it there, but organic plant diet if you can, but just start with some.

0:25:03 - Speaker 1 you know a piece of break this down really easily in the book.

0:25:07 - Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah, so there's a. You know faster. The book is all solutions. So so don't be overwhelmed, just take one step. Hell, if you're overwhelmed, get the book. Don't read it, other than just open it up and then read one page, ooh nice touch.

0:25:25 - Speaker 1 I like that yeah.

0:25:25 - Speaker 2 Right, just read one.

0:25:26 - Speaker 1 You're gonna learn. You're gonna land on something. You're gonna land on something You're gonna learn it.

0:25:30 - Speaker 2 And then you're gonna go holy shit, I didn't because, listen, there's a lot of holy shits in there.

It's like because we're again, we're born into this. I never voted on PFOS being and everything. I know. I never voted on them using toxic perk and dry cleaning and you know I never. I never voted on any of this shit. I never voted on if they can use glyphosate all over my you know all my crop, all my food, and then repackage it from 40 different countries where it's unrecognizable to the body and shove it into a cereal container and put a, put a you know cartoon character on and sell it to my children and put 40% more sugar and then then it has for adults and and and then just yeah, and just just this whole thing. So we're in this, we're in it.

So my thing is you gotta face it, to change it. Everything in life. You're either gonna be a victim to it or you're gonna go. It goes back to the first thing I was saying what do you want your life to be? You want to just exist? Okay, cash it in, do whatever you want. It doesn't matter to me. I want for me. I want people like you. I want warriors who are willing to look and dig, and it's not easy. You gotta look at yourself, you gotta look.

0:26:59 - Speaker 1 The choice alone is difficult. Yeah, before you even take action.

0:27:02 - Speaker 2 I didn't want to write this book. I was compelled to because my dad suffered, because people are suffering, because these stupid ass organizations are not doing its job, because they have somehow decided that profits and power are infinitely more important than the health and safety of humans. And it's just clear. Go look at your next deodorant that you're wanting to buy. Go look at your next laundry detergent. Go look at your next petroleum based fricking t-shirt. Like, just look it's like that's what's going on. Look at the ultra process food.

Look at the overwhelming amount of people that are dying in the face of things that we can change here in this country and other countries, adopting some weird ass you know, over process world. Just look, look at life. Look what's going on. They don't give a shit. So we have to give a shit. That's it. There's no other deal. You can go back to sleep and live whatever life you want. That's fine. Or not even go to sleep. Just live whatever, however, you want. For me, I can't turn off awareness. I don't want to go against my knowing. You can't unknow this. No, no, and I couldn't. 30 years ago.

0:28:40 - Speaker 1 I love how you're kind of prefacing thing by saying, yeah, you can be aware of all this stuff, you can lean into it, you can, you can learn all the things, but then ultimately the choice is yours to what you want to take action on, what you feel you you can or should take action on. But I think for a lot of people, the stuff that we're talking about here I Don't maybe it privileges the right word, but to take this level of action to make these Sustainable changes, is a level of convenience as a level of resources, is a level of education, money that a lot of people Simply don't have. So they're hearing this or they see something in their day-to-day life that just like literally, doesn't feel right with them. How can they make these changes? How can they move forward With this knowing?

0:29:26 - Speaker 2 yeah, well, and that's a great point, and there's two ways I'll answer that. Number one the people that can afford it. Make a better choice, period. Make a better choice so that you say no to other people and other countries making shitty products that are harming the less privileged people right. And the other is be aware, as best that you can, of these people that are born listen, with six thousand food deserts in the United States, created Areas where people have no access to food even if they wanted to even if they want, there's no access to whole food.

They have seven elevens not whole foods, whole food, exactly, I've no. There's no farmers markets, there's no there. There's there's ultra process food and that's that's by design. Mm-hmm, right, and so that further support. So what I'm saying is people who have means, don't buy crap that's hurting you and other people. Right and Support. And the second thing you do, by saying no, you're saying yes to something great and so the more we can scale that right.

That's the most important thing and with the population of people that are suffering some of these things, a lot of them. As you've seen, there's a lot of DIYs that are infinitely cheaper, that you can create from Castile soap and make your own laundry detergent. I love that.

0:31:03 - Speaker 1 Sorry, to catch up, I'm just that's such a huge point in so many sections in your work and in the book Especially, it's not this outlandish thing that you have to then go buy or change your entire lifestyle. I think it's a matter of getting people to realize how lazy we have become as a society based on Conveniences and luxuries in our day-to-day life. Yes, that make our life easier, more efficient, maybe even save some money. But you know, ultimately a lot of this stuff is just we've just gotten away from us doing it for ourselves, creating it from naturally occurring resources or even just a little creativity to connect a couple dots on our own.

Right it's really not that outlandish exactly.

0:31:42 - Speaker 2 And you want one of the greatest superfoods in the world for 25 cents, right, broccoli sprouts. So you buy organic sprouting broccoli seeds, you put those in a mason jar, you put Hopefully filtered water, water, good water, right. You soak those overnight, you put either a cloth or you can buy a a little mesh top, and then you Take them out. So, right, right, and then you rinse them twice a day and invert them and so and shake it up, but anyway, you and you rinse them twice a day, you invert that and then five to six, seven days you have a full salad for 25 cents. And what if you had and what?

0:32:29 - Speaker 1 maybe an hour total of your time over the week? Oh, not even, not even takes, takes what?

0:32:35 - Speaker 2 15 seconds? Okay To rinse and just put it get it, get, get another rack, it's too easy and you can. You can make. You can make. You know you can make five, six, seven, eight for it, for a dollar, you can make a salad every day.

0:32:51 - Speaker 1 For a week now. I know they upcharge up and buying that at the farmers market. I don't do that 10 to 15, and then again they wrap it in plastic and all of that stuff.

0:33:01 - Speaker 2 So it's like, no, you can do it yourself. So so the end, and you know, speaking in terms of food, if you have the ability for any sort of any land that you have at all, or a Shelf on your Balcony, do a raise box yeah do something a barrel. There's some great Videos on. You can, yeah, make a barrel and fill it full of soil.

0:33:29 - Speaker 1 I have a lettuce grow at home. You familiar with that.

0:33:31 - Speaker 2 Yes, the vertical fire, yeah, yeah the only thing I don't like about that is you're dependent on them and there's no soil right. Okay you need. You need to fertilize the water, and the water circulates. Just they have a closed-loop business model.

0:33:45 - Speaker 1 That's what that is right, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but yeah but?

0:33:50 - Speaker 2 but that said, I love them from the Science standpoint.

If you can afford it and you can grow your own food and pick it right on your on your Deck something you weren't doing before, yeah, and you weren't doing it for there's another company I just did this shout-out to dirt locker. They used recyclable, non Recyclable plastic super hard so it doesn't leach Recyclable milk jugs, and they made these terraces so there you can make Unusable land. Oh, wow, yeah, oh, dude, like I had such a slope on one of my. I have a lot of, a lot of crazy kind of elevation changes and this one slope we lit that thing up with with, with Everything from lavender to nine fruit trees. It was unusable abs and looks so freakin beautiful.

So there's always a way, right. And so grow food. You know, I talk about that in the book too. It's like we we started this country with food and most of us growing food. I know that our population blew up, clearly I understand that, but we have stopped growing food and so if our, if you're a city block, if everyone grew a Bunch of vegetables and fruit, you would have more than enough, because I think you think in terms when you follow nature. Nature is Radically abundant. Mm-hmm.

You know, one seed Creates a watermelon with thousands of seeds. How is that possible, right? One pomegranate seed creates a tree and creates 70 pomegranates, and you crack open that pomegranate 700 seeds Like holy cow. Follow nature, ladies and gentlemen.

0:35:44 - Speaker 1 Follow nature, so what you can lose for success. Yeah, and how to like? Keep us going, yes, man.

0:35:50 - Speaker 2 So and then let's let's let the body understand food and recognize food. So so there is a way and I tried to do my best to To have simple, powerful solutions that most people can implement. And just start implementing. You know, fill through your water. People ask us all the time what's the easiest thing, because 50% of the US population is getting exposed to PFOS in their drinking water, plus herbicides, pesticides, pharmaceuticals Even DDT is still around, which is crazy.

0:36:26 - Speaker 1 They banned it in 1972, right, I'm glad you bring this stuff up. Talk to us a little bit it. What is your familiarity with chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, mold in the coffee world, the coffee world, coffee world, well.

I think this is something. This is a fatal convenience of my own that I've, you know. Here I am sipping on my coffee, organic. I have been blown away looking at how Globally unregulated coffee is, because everywhere we get coffee around the world they have their own Regulations for standards if this is good or bad, and but then it goes everywhere else in the world. So what we bring in has it's just a wild wild west of relations, and when people are looking at coffee, I think Drinking water, eating food and for most people coffee is the next thing. But what we're, what we're putting into our bodies on top of that, is mold, fungus, chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, because it's so unregulated. Unless you're getting organic and you're in your research, if you kind of just I know you're not like a big coffee guy but have you kind of discovered anything as a common product such as coffee, maybe even teas? Is there a fatal convenience in there?

0:37:34 - Speaker 2 Yeah, I mean you, I think you laid it out. So I've been in the food world and supplement world, all over the world a minute yeah so these things are tricky, tricky, tricky, right. So when you're looking at a commodity like a coffee because I've looked extensively at cacao- as well. Which is a big commodity, and coffee being the number one consumed drink in the world. Right, you've got something that happens right away, which is a sad truth Is you're getting rid of the fruit of the coffee coffee.

Right, so coffee berry and coffee for a scar right.

0:38:12 - Speaker 1 I think what's this called?

0:38:13 - Speaker 2 Yeah, can be. Yeah, but the coffee fruit I've seen this in action. It's discarded at ferment and then you take you've got a wash, you've got a dry and it's got to have a certain kill step. What's that a kill step is Is somewhere in the process of a food or a supplement or a botanical. You have to have a place in there, especially if you're gonna export it or anything. If you're in the village somewhere, there's no kill step but you have to For a certain period of time and temperature. It's got a hit, usually under Not even gmp. That's just good manufacturing processing practices.

This is around, it has some certifications and stuff, but it's just. It's just a protocol that Should be in place because you could kill somebody and that is a certain period of time and duration. Well, duration time, time of that at a certain temperature will kill bacteria and mold. Okay, right, okay, yeah, but at the same time that can Change molecules and compounds, right? So you're always in this. You're always in this fight between what's the kill step and is that kill step? Is it gonna get rid of the molds, bacteria, fungus, etc. Efficient enough, and can I then preserve the compounds?

that I actually want which is why coffee fruit could never really survive unless you have a process and there's a great company, overarching company. They're not a, they're a B2B company called Future Suiticals, and I know them very well.

0:40:02 - Speaker 1 They're out of yeah, yeah, and they. What's a guy's name?

0:40:05 - Speaker 2 the founder there Van Drunen.

0:40:08 - Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and shout out to PJ.

0:40:11 - Speaker 2 Very very progressive. Oh, yeah, yeah. These guys are creating and been innovating forever and they so they brought coffee fruit to the market. They they're really meaning that they figured out how to dry and preserve the bean. The seed of that is coffee, the coffee bean, which is technically a seed, the seed and the coffee fruit together, and the irony is that the seed, or the bean and the root together is infinitely greater than the bean itself.

Also that it that it turns on a very powerful BDNF property, brain derived neurotropic factor, and they have. They clinically proved it. They were the only ones doing it. I was in Veracruz, mexico, watching the process and and so now I start to see it. It's Adam from Strong Coffee, I know he's got it in yeah, so I know that they have it in some other stuff, I know that you guys.

0:41:23 - Speaker 1 Yeah, it's the best. Yeah, I'm telling them for years.

0:41:25 - Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. So so hats off. I mean you know they've been pushing this out. I was trying to get it in a bunch of the products. I was way back when we actually did get it in this one of the versions of Shakeology on a way. Yeah, and I mean this is years and years ago. So I'm starting like it's so powerful and it's and I'm glad that people are actually organify also has one that they threw it in there. I saw every I keep my eyes out for to watch the stuff to see.

Like, oh, finally it's like you know, you know, because I know I've known suppliers and countries for so long. But anyway, I digress, but that's so. So when you're looking at coffee, that commodity, it's, it's. And, by the way, people are passing off certificates of analysis, organic certifications, all the time, just because they, they are saying in some country that it's organic.

0:42:29 - Speaker 1 Is this the whole greenwashing world?

0:42:31 - Speaker 2 It's, it's, it's, it's not the green, it's, it's not even like hyping up all the things that we do. Greenwashing. In a sense it's just lying, really. Or they don't even know and it's happening from where they're getting it and they're just going well, it's not organic, but we're just going to slide in this conventional and sell it back to them. So if the if the receiving company is not doing their due diligence and testing, then they're going to have problems, they're going to have molds they're going to have.

0:43:01 - Speaker 1 Realistic is that, then, for companies? Because I would think, like either got to have a shit ton of financial backing to really go from start to end, from origin to end product, to know all of these things and put these protocols in place. Like, can we ever win? Can there ever be a sustainable business around this?

0:43:19 - Speaker 2 Yeah, it's, it's, it's tough and it takes a lot of money. I mean Beachbody, which is now body, body. We were, we were testing millions of dollars a year, every batch had millions of dollars a year, 1500 tests 1500 tests per batch, Wow, 1500. Wow, Plus hats off man, Wow. So so no one really knows the quality control that we had in place and it's like and I kind of was like I was always kind of secretly, secretly bummed that we never really told that story adequately enough because we were so powerful.

0:44:00 - Speaker 1 You just think what. Maybe people didn't care as much.

0:44:02 - Speaker 2 Then no we just you know, it's not, it's, it's a, it's not a, it's not a sexy story, because again, people assume their competing product is just as good because it's got the same shit in it. But it's like, yeah, well, you probably have some shit in it, literally Right. And so I've seen crazy stuff.

0:44:21 - Speaker 1 I saw where all the greens powders were coming from what's the craziest thing you've ever seen in a processing facility like that.

0:44:33 - Speaker 2 Gosh, I mean one of the I mean one of the craziest one was this yeah, I'm I'll use the greens powders as an example, just because I was thinking about it so all these greens powders were there. And there's this open vat where it kind of got to some sort of drying process. And I look up and there's birds and I was like no way inside, yeah, inside the building. And I'm like, oh, that's like like how is that possible? Like of course it's going to shit in there eventually. And it's like how is that possible? And I was like, oh, and I'm, and I'm in the facility and I'm seeing boxes of where they're going, so you're just watching this all happen. Yeah, I'm just like, oh, my God that is crazy.

0:45:23 - Speaker 1 So then there's got to be like a minimum level of acceptable Shit. Yeah, that these facilities are.

0:45:32 - Speaker 2 Yeah, it's like that you know they. They accept a level of pus and milk, a level of fecal matter and meat Like dude. All of this stuff exists. I mean like so that's the thing. You're not reading the fine print. No, no, no, no, no, no Stuff. You're not reading the fine print in fragrances. You're not reading the fine print in natural flavors. You're not reading the fine print. You don't know.

That's why this, this, this world that we want to pretend is is, is fine, is not. And I'm sorry, don't kill the messenger Like I've seen too much, I know too much and and I don't even know the half of it, because there's experts in every one of these fields, every chemical there's experts in who know infinitely more than me. And that's the beauty of constantly learning and constantly kind of diving in and if I can be a megaphone and some of this stuff. But ultimately what I want to get to is solutions for the shit, like I want to get to. If they're not going to do it, we can do it. We have the numbers, we have the billions right, we, literally, we have humanity. You know a mom isn't knowingly wants that, doesn't knowingly want to cause, cause harm to their child. They don't want those.

Yeah, they don't want to cause harm. So if we wake up like, hey, don't put that disposable diaper on your children if you can. If you can save up a little money by three organic diapers and just wash them, you can do it. You can do it. Maybe it's a little more of a pain in the ass maybe, but it's not infecting your child with fragrances and petroleum and things that are touching their genitalia and are harming them from day one, from day one and they are already being infected by what the mother was doing.

0:47:36 - Speaker 1 You know, this is just the world, the grandmother even.

0:47:39 - Speaker 2 Yes, yeah, we're seeing and that's where we're seeing the epidemiological look at this stuff. So we're we're saying, oh, it's just a little bit, but this little bit is having monstrative effect on our expression of our lives and and that the very fabric of our damn life is being undercut by this stuff. So so I want to get and I want to celebrate life, so I can sit here knowing that I am not being infected by chemicals in my clothes. I drove here, I had filtered water, I remineralized it and you know, I have a glass bottle. So it's integration, it's more integration. Having conversations like this, connecting with you a fellow brother who's committed to health, and and getting messages out, this is what we need. Sharing the word Absolutely. Yeah.

This is what we need to do, and, and, and. The more people that know, the more you have that agency over change, because if you don't know, you don't know, and then you can't do anything. But at least let's, let's lay this out, so then you can have an informed choice.

0:48:55 - Speaker 1 And it takes a lot of that overwhelm and uncertainty and anxiety off of our shoulders, because we can't unknow this.

But what we can do is make a change, or a lot of changes, like you're talking about. More importantly, share information with others so that maybe, hopefully, they also have this new knowing, and then only through the power of of all of us together Can we actually make these changes, look out for our well-being, but for others which is another question I want to get to before the end here If not for our own lives, we should care for the lives of our loved ones, and I think it's a unique human trait, an odd one, where we will not take care of ourselves or not take as good a care of ourselves until we have a reason from someone else, like until we have a kid, or until we have a partner, or until somebody else is in our lives on a regular basis. What do you think it is about for other people that finally gets us to take care of ourselves as a secondary effect of taking care of them first, and how can we do that long term?

0:50:05 - Speaker 2 Yeah, it's a great question. I mean it's actually was having a similar conversation, Like when we're talking about tragedy. Tragedy comes and Maui comes and like things burned down at 9, 11 and those things, people come together and then they go back and they forget about you losing your home five years ago, my friends. You know, the number one thing that was the most obvious for me is my friendships, because the people that I cared about reached out and they were there for me they were like hey, we've got clothes for you, I've got a place for you, I've got food for you Basic human needs?

0:50:40 - Speaker 1 Yeah, just like, and that they care Like.

0:50:42 - Speaker 2 Those were my first tears, not that I lost everything that you know, and I wasn't talking to my ex-wife at the time or going through, you know, our gnarly divorce and she reached out, let go of everything and said I'm here for you. Wow, you know that kind of stuff. So the human connection, the fabric of all of that, the necessity that that is that we get out of this over obsessed, ego, maniacal, narcissistic kind of culture that it's just about me. But I saw this, I saw this quote the other day and I don't remember the full quote, but the just of it is being in a partnership with someone is caring as much about their happiness as your own as much, not more, not sacrificing yourself, not all of that stuff, but caring as much. And that changed a lot for me, just in like close relationships. And so we've got to get out of this. This idea, that number one you're going to find people that are going to check all the boxes and all. No, you just, life is a garden. What are you watering, are you?

0:52:04 - Speaker 1 watering.

0:52:05 - Speaker 2 Yeah, it's like what are you watering? Are you watering your crazy mind, your fearful mind of everything? It's like, well, you're going to grow a hell of a tree of fear, right? Or are you going to be understanding of this incredible opportunity that we have in our own consciousness to go? What do I want? We're going full circle here. What do I want, what do I want my life to be and what do I want to water? Do I want to water my life, meaning, do I want to pay for products that are undercutting my health? No, I don't want to believe in what Darren's saying Don't do whatever you want, like read some studies and form yourself, or not, it doesn't matter, unless it matters to you. Yeah right.

So, so so what are you watering? And that goes down to the thoughts in your damn head, right, if I look at like again, if I look at what's going on in the world and I just now I'm like life's fucked up, or I just switch over here and I just been inspired by this conversation. I just with you and I just talked to someone on the drive down who's who's building some incredible new technologies that I get to be involved like no, it's not, it's not. There might be pillars of destruction, but there's opportunity of building a new world, yeah, and so where do I want to water?

And this is a constant, this is a day to day, this is a moment to moment deal, because I can turn into fear right now and I can worry, and I can, of course I have it too. But the attention, how long is that? Am I going to let that? How long am I going to feed that? Fear is the easy choice, right, so easy, and I mean you could end this book. The greatest fatal convenience is fear and anger, because it's so fucking easy and this world actually supports it, easily spreads to an easily spreads.

0:54:17 - Speaker 1 Look at social media way more easy to get everybody on board to a fear, something wrapped around fear, than it is to like hey, what if we just chose to look at it differently? What if we chose to make a change, or chose love, or chose to find a positive aspect? What do we chose a way to work through this instead of just blasting what all that is doing wrong?

0:54:37 - Speaker 2 Totally, and that's part of the struggle that I had with the book is like you know. It really affects me when people say you're fear mongering, well, that you haven't looked at the book and you haven't understood. You haven't read the book, you haven't read where this came from.

0:54:54 - Speaker 1 You're not the guy in the corner with the megaphone yelling. You know we're all going to burn in hell for our sins of. Wi-fi and plastics. No, you're presenting information that is all out there. You just chose to not live out of fear, you chose hey, what if I just compiled this information? What if I brought this to the people so that, hopefully, we can make a better choice?

0:55:15 - Speaker 2 Yeah, I saw my dad suffer. I don't want other people to suffer. I don't want to suffer and and regardless of your belief, you're suffering right now from all of these things. You are deferring degrees, course you are so again, like if you understood me. It's like everything. We don't know where people are coming from, we don't know who people are, but we judge so fast I do too, of course, and you just got to, like, check yourself before you wreck yourself.

0:55:48 - Speaker 1 Absolutely. Yeah. Well, darren, I want to ask you the final question here, and it's been, I think, two, if not three years, I think, since the first time you were on. It's always good to see you, by the way. Thank you again for coming back, congratulations on the new work, and you and I have so much in common, I think, in why we do what we do stemming from suffering, stemming from suffering of a family member that ultimately we kind of took on, but we have channeled it into ways, hopefully, for other people to not have to suffer as much, so that we can move forward in life when these obstacles are present. So now, for the second time ever, forward. When you hear that man with your mission right now, what does that mean to you?

0:56:41 - Speaker 2 If you're not ever forward, you're ever backwards. Like it's just like that. That's the thing it's like. I think it's like what we're talking about. Ever forward to me. I think it's like what we're talking about ever forward to me means that I'm not being a victim. I'm facing the challenges that are here, that will come, that are supposed to come, and extracting the opportunity. Just like a good tea, you got to put it in hot water in order to extract the calm man.

0:57:16 - Speaker 1 That's so good. Oh wow, yeah, that's a new one on me. That's so good. Yeah, so, and I'm a coffee guy, yeah, yeah.

0:57:25 - Speaker 2 Yeah, well, you still, yeah yeah, just soak the, soak the beans.

0:57:30 - Speaker 1 I love that analogy, man.

0:57:31 - Speaker 2 Yeah. So it's like that's when you understand that that's life, that's then you move forward because it's not happening to you. The propeller of this duality, of this existence that we get to be in is propelled through that tension, through that hot water that eventually we will be touching and then and then we get to learn something about ourselves. Then we get the opportunity, like you, like you said, instead of us being a victim of our circumstances and our fathers and things like that, we get to learn, grow and then use the legacy as an opportunity and then pay that forward. And who better but to shine down with a smile on us and go, and I know they're both saying thank you.

0:58:29 - Speaker 1 Hell yeah. Hell yeah. And hopefully you know, our teabags are micro plastic free, bpa free. Maybe that is a problem. Not the dissect your analogy.

0:58:38 - Speaker 2 That's a problem. Yeah, yeah, like why they won't break.

0:58:44 - Speaker 1 Yeah, because they're plastic. Christian Gonzalez, dr Jean, he unpacked that for me in an episode, I think, like a year or two ago, are you familiar with? Oh my God, I will never look at tea the same way. No, no.

0:58:55 - Speaker 2 I asked for tea on a plane or something and I go, don't put it in there, and then I just rip it open, put the loose leaf in there and of course they have to give it the like I said do you have a ceramic cup, or else I won't have any.

0:59:11 - Speaker 1 Yeah, everybody looks at me when I do that on a plane. I'm like no, that's why I'm drinking out of this. You know the ceramic. I do that on the same thing with a plane too. Anywhere I go to get a coffee.

0:59:19 - Speaker 2 It's all those little things, man, it's all those little things, yeah Well here's to being weirdos.

0:59:23 - Speaker 1 But making choices like that Darren fatal conveniences out now. Everybody can go get it. But where can they connect with you right now to learn more about your mission, what you got going on?

0:59:33 - Speaker 2 Yeah, I can sign up for my newsletter. I'm spitting out a bunch of cool stuff. DarinOlien.com, Darin Olien, on all social. Yeah, we're getting ready to do some bigger and bigger stuff.

0:59:45 - Speaker 1 Yeah, some really cool projects coming out. Can't wait to see it and to see it, to watch it, to read it, to support it in any way possible. Always a pleasure, man. Thanks, man, thank you, thank you, dude. I'm buzzing off of that tea analogy right now. That's so good, it's so obvious, but like so good it's true.